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Latrine construction

I am Lolem Maliam aged 34 from Rogom central, Nyakwae sub county. I have 7 children. In the month of September 2022, I attended training organized by Karamoja Action for Youth Transformation in my community and I was shown how i used to eat my own faeces together with my family unknowingly. Flies used to land on my children’s food as we chase them with our hands and continue eating but did not know that the flies came with faeces in their legs and mouth and drop on our food. In the training, my eyes opened, and I remembered quickly how the flies were operating and I decided to build my own family latrine with a squat hole cover and hand washing facility as you can see, no faeces seen in my compound anymore because we all now use latrine and pick children’s faeces and drop in the latrine. Besides that, we now eat clean food, and the compound is not smelly like before. Because of these good practises, I am no longer worried but walk around confidently as I do my domestic work here at home.” I am so grateful to KAYT for the good work and commitment to ensure that the health of the people it is reaching improves.

I am Auma Albina Okuda, 42 years from Kopua village and I have 9 children. I must be honest that I, and my family members used to defecate in the open and faeces would be littered everywhere. It was a normal thing not to wash hands after defecation and we could just eat like that including making local brew. KAYT one day came and taught us how to wash hands and why we should do so. In one of the sessions, we were invited to eat faeces mixed with water, I almost vomited and spitted several times. We realised that the reason why we had health problems in our household was because we did not know that hand washing was very important.
However, I got the knowledge and started the struggle of constructing a latrine and hand washing facility. We now practice hand washing regularly after visiting the latrine, before and after eating and any time we feel that our hands are dirty. I even sweep and maintain around my latrine as you can all see. Since then, we have not yet experienced stomach-ache because our hands are washed before and after eating anything. You can see I even have hand washing facility, all thanks to KAYT for this great initiative.

I am called Aryon Abenego from Wilela parish in Abim district aged 32. When KAYT mobilised us for the training, we were asked why we did not have latrines in our village, but no one could answer well because the question was ashaming. Later, we were trained on how diseases are contracted through open defecation and how our food and water get contaminated. This therefore made me, and my neighbours learnt how dangerous it is to live without a latrine. I immediately took a step and became the first person to construct a latrine and together with my family we are now living a healthy life.

I am Cipirina Adei from Obolokome parish, Morulem sub county in Abim district. I am 42 Years of age having 8 Children. I remember some team of people coming with Motorcycles to our village and they said they have come to discuss on hygiene and sanitation. They mobilised other members as we watched from a distance. Later, I was also invited to be part of the team to benefit from the training.
From that training, I realised that the rampant diarrhoea and typhoid we used to suffer from were caused by open defecation. After the training, I and other members started constructing and using the latrines. Since then, we have not suffered from diarrhoea as it used to be, even our children are not missing school due to sickness. I thank God for KAYT for opening our eyes.

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